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MOM-LINC at Crossroads

From left to right Brianna Richardson -MSc Nursing; Adele Orebro - BSc Health Sciences ; Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo - Primary Supervisor -Justine Dol- PhD in Health ; Britney Benoit and Timothy Disher - PhD in Nursing

​Great representation from the MOM-LINC Lab at the recent Dalhousie University Crossroads Conference .

The Annual Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research ConferenceThe Crossroads Conference, established in 2002 by graduate students and faculty in the School of Health and Human Performance (HAHP), provides students with an opportunity to present their health-related research in a supportive and interdisciplinary environment.

Organized by graduate students, Crossroads provides a meeting place where students and faculty can interact with members of different health-related research communities. Both graduate and undergraduate students may present their research findings.

The Crossroads Conference is held in the spring term of each year. A call for conference presentation abstracts, which can include thesis abstracts, goes out in the early part of the winter term.

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