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Research Funding
Principal Investigator

Campbell-Yeo, M., Benoit, B., Johnston, C., Newman, A., Bardouille, T., Vincer, M., Stevens, B. Effect of skin-to-skin contact on acute pain response in the preterm brain. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Establishment Grant. Grant total, $149,980.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Johnston, C., Disher, T., Benoit, B., Dol, J., Busse, J., Cameron, C., Ali, S., Chambers, C., Curran, J., Eriksson, M., Harrison, D., Inglis, D., Martin-Misener, R., Pillai Riddell, R., Robson, K., Shah, P., Singh, B., & Stevens, B. Comparative efficacy of pain relieving interventions to reduce procedural pain in neonates: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. NSHRF Establishment Grant, $150,000. Declined.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Disher, T., Benoit, B., Dol, J., Busse, J., Cameron, C., Ali, S., Chambers, C., Curran, J., Eriksson, M., Harrison, D., Inglis, D., Martin-Misener, R., Pillai Riddell, R., Robson, K., Shah, P., Singh, B., Stevens, B. & Johnston, C., Comparative efficacy of pain relieving interventions to reduce procedural pain in neonates: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Canadian Institutes Health Research – New Investigator Funding. $90,000


Campbell-Yeo, M., McGrath, P., Disher, T., Dol, J. Chez NICU Home Solution. Atlantic Canadian Opportunities Agency, $3million. With partnered funding from Cisco Canada and IWK Health Centre, $1.5million.  Project total, $4.9million.


Campbell-Yeo, M. MOM-LINC: Mechanisms, Outcomes, and Mobilization of Maternally-Led Interventions for Newborn Care. Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) New Investigator Award, $60,000/yr 5 years, $300,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M. MOM-LINC: Mechanisms, Outcomes, and Mobilization of Maternally-Led Interventions for Newborn Care. Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program (CCHCSP) Career Development Award, $70,000/year, $280,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M. MOM-LINC: Mechanisms, Outcomes, and Mobilization of maternally-Led Interventions for Newborn Care. CFI, John R. Evans Leaders Fund Canada Foundation for Innovation. $312,679.

Includes Institutional Funding Support: Dalhousie University Faculty of Health Professions $10,000, Dalhousie School of Nursing $5,000, Department of Pediatrics $5,000 & Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine $5,000. 


Campbell-Yeo, M., Ledrew, M., Inglis, D., & Huguet, A. Chez NICU: An IWK-CISCO Collaboration. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. $217,145.

With additional in-kind support: CISCO Systems Canada, $250,000

Co-Principal Investigator



Dol, J., Campbell-Yeo, M. (co-PIs), Tomblin Murphy, G., Aston, M., & McMillan, D. Essential Coaching for Every Mother: Evaluating an mHealth postnatal intervention for mothers of newborns (Phase II). Ross Fund Competition, IWK Health Centre, $9,999.


Dol, J., Campbell-Yeo, M. (co-PIs), Tomblin Murphy, G., Aston, M., & McMillan, D. Essential Coaching for Every Mother: Evaluating an mHealth postnatal intervention for mothers of newborns (Phase II). IWK Mentored Grant. $5,000


Dol, J., Campbell-Yeo, M. (co-PIs), Tomblin-Murphy, G., Aston, M., McMillan, D. & Kohi, T. Essential Coaching for Every Mother (ECEM): Evaluating a modified education training program for mothers of newborns in Tanzania. Laerdal Foundation, $39,990


Mitra, S., El-Naggar, W., McMillan, D., Bardouille,T., Hatfield, T., Schmolzer, G., Campbell-Yeo, M. Effect of Routine Caregiving Interventions on Cerebral Perfusion & Oxygenation in Very Preterm Infants, Development & Innovation Grant, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, $15,000
Chambers, C.T, & Maynard, D.J. (co-Directors) & Ali, S., Barwick, M., Campbell, F., Campbell-Yeo, M., Carter, N., Finley, A., Jordan, I. Larocque, L., Mogil, J., Noel, M., Oberlander, T., Stevens, B., Stinson, J., Taddio, A.  (Leads). Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP). A Letter of Intent (LOI) for a Networks Centres of Excellence Knowledge Mobilization initiative (NCE-KM). $7,300,000
Mitra, S., El-Naggar, W., McMillan, D., Bardouille, T., Hatfield, T., Schmolzer, G., Campbell-Yeo, M. Effect of Routine Caregiving Interventions on Cerebral Perfusion & Oxygenation in Very Preterm Infants, IWK Health Centre Project Grant, $24,999.80

Nyamtema A, LeBlanc J, Tomblin Murphy G, Mtey G (Co-Principal Investigators), Abel Z, Njete H, Bulemela J, O’Hearn S, Scott H, Campbell-Yeo, M., Aston M. Leadership and managerial capacity strengthening for quality pregnancy and newborn outcomes in Tanzania.

DFATD/IDRC/CIHR-Innovating for Maternal and Child Health in Africa (IMCHA) program, $500,000.


Harrison, D. (PI), Dunn, S (CoPI), Campbell-Yeo, M., Gilmore, L., Graham, I., Grimshaw, J., Harrold, J. Hu, J., Larocque, C., McCullough, L., Nicholls, S., Nicholls, B., O'Flaherty, P., Premji, S., Reszel, J., Semenic, S., Squires, J., Stevens, B., Taljaard, M., Trépanier, MJ., Venter, K., Zhou, Y. Caring for Babies: A Study of Ontario Maternal-Newborn Hospitals on the Effectiveness of Parent-targeted Education (ONesiE). Ontario Child Health SUPPORT Unit (OCHSU) - IMPACT Child Health Award, $299,786.69

Stevens, B., Campbell-Yeo, M., Estabrooks, C., Gibbins, S.,   Harrison, D., Isaranuwatchai, W., LeMay, S., Noel, M., Slotta, J., Stinson, J., Synnes, A., Willan, A.,Yamada, J.  Effective Knowledge Translation Strategies for Enhancing Impact and Improving Outcomes in Infant Pain. CIHR - Foundation Scheme – 2nd Live Pilot, $3,823, 346.


Stevens, B., Barwick,M., Chambers, C., Campbell-Yeo, M., Estabrooks, C., Gibbins, S., Harrison, D., Isaranuwatchai, W., LeMay, S., Noel, M., Slotta, J., Stinson, J., Synnes, A. , Willan, A., Yamada, J.  Evaluating the effectiveness of an online knowledge translation intervention for minimizing procedural pain in hospitalized infants. CIHR - Project Scheme – 1st Live Pilot. $1,116,171. (Declined).


Pemba, S., Leblanc, J.,  (co-PIs), Mtey, G., Abel, Z., George, R., Gowelle, O., Kneyamba, E., McMillan, D., Nyamtema, A., O’Hearn, S., Scott, H., Tomblin Murphy, G. & Campbell-Yeo, M. Accessing Safe Deliveries in Tanzania (ASDIT). Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI), $999,841.


Harrison, D. (PI), Dunn, S (CoPI), Campbell-Yeo, M., Gilmore, L., Graham, I., Grimshaw, J., Harrold, J. Hu, J., Larocque, C., McCullough, L., Nicholls, S., Nicholls, B., O'Flaherty, P., Premji, S., Reszel, J., Semenic, S., Squires, J., Stevens, B., Taljaard, M., Trépanier, MJ., Venter, K., Zhou, Y. A cluster randomized controlled trial in Ontario hospitals providing maternal/newborn care to determine effectiveness of a parent-targeted educational video for improving newborn pain treatment. IMPACT Child Health Award. $299,786.69.


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