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Research Funding
Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator

Tomblin-Murphy, G., Campbell-Yeo, M., Stevens, R., Hudson, G., McMillian, D. Helping Babies Survive in Jamaica: An integrated needs-based approach for HRH planning and training. Grand Challenges Canada – Stars in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, $100,000.


Weaver, I., & Campbell-Yeo, M., (Co-PI's). Gullickson, C.* Impact of Early repeated procedural pain-related stress in a neonatal intensive care unit on genes with immune system-related functions and maternal skin contact as an intervention. Department of Psychiatry Fund, $10,000.


Benoit, B*., & Campbell-Yeo, M.,( Co-PI's). Martin-Misener, R., Newman, A., & Latimer, M. The Influence of Breastfeeding on Cortical and Bio-behavioral Indicators of Procedural Pain in Newborns: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nursing Research & Development Fund Operating Grant, Dalhousie University School of Nursing. $4,997


Benoit, B*., & Campbell-Yeo, M.,( Co-PI's). Martin-Misener, R., Newman, A., & Latimer, M. The Influence of Breastfeeding on Cortical and Bio-behavioral Indicators of Procedural Pain in Newborns: A Randomized Controlled Trial. IWK Category A, $5,000.


Chambers, C.T.  & Campbell-Yeo, M. (Co-PI's). An interdisciplinary program of research. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation Scotia Support Grant, $50,000.






Tomblin-Murphy, G., Campbell-Yeo, M., McMillian, D., Scott, H., LeBlanc, J. Leadership and managerial capacity strengthening for quality pregnancy and newborn outcomes in Tanzania. International Development Research Centre, $500,000.


Donald, F., DiCenso, A. (co-PIs), Marshall, D., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Martin-Misener, R., Carter, N., Kaasalainen, S., Baxter, P., Kilpatrick, K., Lloyd, M., Charbonneau-Smith, R., Harbman, P., Hubley, P., Laflamme, C., Donald, E., Sangster-Gormley, E., Boyko, J., Campbell Yeo, M., Price, S., Wickson-Griffiths, A., & Yost, J. A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists. Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care, Nursing Research Fund. $79,350.


DiCenso, A., Donald, F. (co-PIs), Bryant-Lukosius, D., Martin-Misener, R., Carter, N.,

Kaasalainen, S., Baxter, P., Kilpatrick, K., Charbonneau-Smith, R., Lloyd, M., Harbman, P., Hubley, P., Laflamme, C., Donald, E., Sangster-Gormley, E., Boyko, J., Campbell Yeo, M., Price, S., Wickson-Griffiths, A., & Yost, J. A systematic review of the effectiveness of advanced practice nurses: Patient and provider outcomes. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation-Office of Nursing Policy, Health Canada: Co-sponsorship Funds $24,800.


Johnston, C., Campbell-Yeo, M. Maternal Comfort, Analgesia, Regulation, and Endorphin-release: MotherCARE for critically ill infants, neonates, infants, and Toddlers. CIHR Fund 20566. $881,861


Campbell-Yeo, M., Disher, T., Benoit, B., Dol, J., Busse, J., Cameron, C., Ali, S., Chambers, C., Curran, J., Eriksson, M., Harrison, D., Inglis, D., Martin-Misener, R., Pillai Riddell, R., Robson, K., Shah, P., Singh, B., Stevens, B. & Johnston, C. Comparative efficacy of pain relieving interventions to reduce procedural pain in neonates: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (NSHRF), Team Development Award, $10,000


Campbell-Yeo, M., Johnston C.C., Chambers, C., Vincer, M., Inglis, D., Halperin, S., Pillai Riddell, R., Walker, C.D. Trial of Repeated Analgesia with Kangaroo Mother Care – 18-Month Follow Up (TRAKC-18). Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Establishment Grant. $149,888


Campbell-Yeo, M., & Johnston C., (Co-PI), Latimer, M., Vincer, M., Streiner, D., & Inglis, D., Trial of Repeated Analgesia with Kangaroo Mother Care (TRAKC). Project #: 1009503. Nova Scotia Partnership Program/CIHR/Mayday Foundation, $276,000. (EXTENDED 1 YEAR to 2016).


Campbell-Yeo, M., Tomblin-Murphy, G., Weaver, S. Developing an innovative project to save lives at birth in Jamaica. Dalhousie Nursing Research Fund, $5,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Improving Outcomes of At Risk Neonates through Maternal-led Interventions, IWK Health Centre Establishment Grant. $90,000 . First year $50,000, Second year $40,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Inglis, D., Burgess, S., Hewitt, B., Bishop, T., Jangaard, K., Morrison, G., Sheppard, C., & Disher, T*. Promoting optimal noise levels in Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care to Achieve Excellence in Neonatal Outcomes. Translating Research Into Care (TRIC) Level 1 Grant $3,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M.,  Chambers, CT., Taddio, A., Stinson, J., Harrison, D., Hewitt, B, Jangaard, K., Totten, A. & Orr, T. “It doesn’t have to hurt: Mother’s role in reducing pain in preterm neonates and newborns during painful medical procedures” - a YouTube video for parents. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Knowledge Sharing Support Award. $10,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Deorari A, McMillan D, Scotland J, Singhal N, Aylward D, Kumar P,

Vatsa M, Joshi M, & Geetanjli. Identification of barriers and facilitators for education of nurses in  care of sick and at-risk newborn babies in India. Indo-Canadian Shastri Institute.

Partnership Development Seed Grant 2012-2013. $8000 with Matched funding from New Delhi WHO Collaborating Centre.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Chambers C.T., Lynch M.E, McDougall J.J, & Rosen N.O. We Are Family – The important of parents, peers and partners in pain relief. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Café Scientifique Program. $3000.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Johnston, C.C, Joseph, K.S, Feeley, N., Chamber, C, & Barrington, K.

Co-bedding as a comfort measure for twins undergoing painful procedures (CComForT Trial) IWK # 4382- Research Services Category B $15, 000.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Johnston, C.C, Joseph, K.S, Feeley, N., Chamber, C, & Barrington, K.

Co-bedding as a comfort measure for twins undergoing painful procedures (CComForT Trial) The Quebec Interuniversity Nursing Intervention Research Group (GRIISIQ) Student Project Grant / Canadian Nurses Foundation $15,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Allen, A.C, Joseph, K.S, Ledwidge, J, Allen, V.M, & Dooley, K. A double blind placebo controlled trial examining the effect of domperidone on the macronutrient content of human breast milk. IWK Health Centre, Category B $15,000.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Allen, A.C, Joseph, K.S, Ledwidge, J, Allen, V.M, & Dooley, K. A double blind placebo controlled trial examining the effect of domperidone on the macronutrient content of human breast milk. Dalhousie University Nursing Research Fund/ Canadian Nurses Foundation $21,585.

Dunn, S., Harrison, D. (co-PIs), Campbell-Yeo, M., Graham, I., Harrold, J., Larocque, C., Nicholls, B., O’Flaherty, P., Premji, J., Semenic, S., Squires, J., Stevens, B., Taljaard, M., Trepanier, M., & Venter, K. Be sweet to babies – Moving effective pain management knowledge to action. CIHR Knowledge to Action Grant, $200,000.


Tomblin-Murphy, G., Campbell-Yeo, M., Stevens, R., Hudson, G., McMillian, D. Helping Babies Survive in Jamaica: An integrated needs-based approach for HRH planning and training. Grand Challenges Canada – Stars in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. $100,000.


Asztalos, E., Campbell-Yeo M., & daSilva, O. (CoPI’s). Enhancing Breast Milk Production with Domperidone in Mothers of Preterm Neonates (EMPOWER) - Canadian Institute of Health Research – Clinical Trial, $999,454


Chambers, C.T. & Campbell-Yeo, M. (Co-PI) with Barwick, M., Chorney, J., Finley, A., Latimer, M., McGrath, P., & Witteman, H.“It Doesn’t Have to Hurt”: Extending our Reach to Help Parents of Children Undergoing Painful Procedures, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Knowledge Sharing Support Award, $10,000


Finley, A.G., Chambers, C., Chorney, J., Latimer, M., McGrath, P. & Campbell-Yeo, M. International forum on pediatric pain: Personalized approaches to pediatric pain management. Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation Conference Grant, $5,000.


McDougall, J., George, R., Harman, K., Clark, J. & Campbell-Yeo, M. Dalhousie Pain Research Day. Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesia, $1,500.


Stevens, B., Ballantyne, M., Campbell-Yeo, M., Estabrooks, C., Gibbins, S., Harrison, D., McNair, C., Sidani, S., Squires, A., Synnes, A., Taddio, A., Widger, K., Willan, A., & Yamada, J. Sucrose Practices for Pain in Neonates (SPiN): A Program of Research. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Operating Grant. $1,246,500.


Chambers, C., Ehm, R., Barwick, M., Bender, J., Campbell-Yeo, M., Goldman, R., Mogil, J., Stevens, B., Stinson, J., Taddio, A., & Witteman, H. It Doesn’t Have to Hurt : Mobilizing Evidence About Children’s Pain to Parents - A science and media partnership for effective and efficient knowledge translation. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Knowledge to Action, $200,000

Higgins, K.S., Lynch M., Chambers, C.T., Rosen, N.O. & Sherry, S., Campbell-Yeo, M. Risk and resilience in children of parents with chronic pain. Nova Scotia Health Authority Research Fund, Category 3: Trainee, $4,936.


Rennick, J. Campbell-Yeo, M., Chambers, CC., Childerhose, J. Doughery, G. Dryden-Palmer, K., Harrison, D., Hutchinson, D. Hutchison, J., Stack, D. Stremler, R. & Zhang, X., Children’s Psychological and Behavioural Responses Following Pediatric Intensive Care Hospitalization (Caring Intensively) (#12-350-PED), Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant. $544,490.


Stevens, B. (PI), Campbell-Yeo, M., Johnston, C., Pillai Riddell, R., & Yamada, J. Determining a comprehensive approach to measuring pain in neonates and infants: A consensus conference. CIHR Planning Grant, $25,000.


Stevens, B.J., Chambers, C.T., Craig, K.D., Finley, G.A., Grunau, R.E., Johnston, C., Pillai

Riddell, R.R., Stinson, J., & von Baeyer, C.L. (2009-2015). Pain in child health, an innovative, international, transdisciplinary research training consortium Phase II. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research (STIHR) ($325,000/year).


Stevens, B., McGrath, P., Gibbins, S., Yamada, J., Asztalos, L. & Campbell-Yeo., M. Pain in Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment: A Program of Research: Phase 3. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant. $776,665


Chambers, C., Campbell-Yeo, M., Taddio, A., Stinson, J, & Halperin, S. “It doesn’t have to hurt: Strategies to help children with shots and needles” - a YouTube video for parents. Knowledge Sharing Support Award, Nova Scotia Health Services Foundation, $10,000.


Stevens, B. & Campbell-Yeo, M. Validation of the PIPP-R (Revised Premature Infant Pain Profile) in the NICU- Project #: 1009333 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $8000


Johnston, C., Campbell-Yeo, M., Fernandes, A, Streiner, D, Inglis, D, & Zee, R. Cochrane systematic review of skin-to-skin contact for procedural pain in infants. The Quebec Interuniversity Nursing Intervention Research Group (GRIISIQ). $6400.


Johnston, C., Limperopoulos, C., Bushnell, C., Beddel, B., Lefevbre, L., Vincer, M., & Campbell-Yeo, M. Pain in the Preterm Brain –feasibility pilot The Louise and Alan Edwards Foundation, Montréal, Quebec. $12,000.00 (declined).


Hayward, K., Johnston, C. (Co-PI’s), Campbell-Yeo, M., Price, S., Whyte, R., Morrison, D., Cake, H., Vine, J., Houk, S. & Walker, D. (Co-bedding Twins: A Multi-Site Trial/ PSPO-PROJECT-2005-4076. NSHRF Collaborative Project Grant Canadian Nurses Foundation, Nursing Care Partnership/Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation) $ 148,809. Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation, Research Advisory Program, $2,000; Canadian Nurses Foundation, Partnered Funding, $5,000; Dalhousie University, Dalhousie Nursing Research Fund, $5,000; Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), Operating Grant, $5,000.


Hayward, K., Johnston, C. (CoPI’s), Campbell-Yeo, M., Price, S., Whyte, R., Morrison, D., Cake, H., Vine, J., Houk, S. & Walker, D. Co-bedding: the Stress Response. Partnered funding- Janeway Children's Hospital Foundation; Canadian Nurses Foundation; Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN); Dalhousie Nursing Research Fund  $35,000.


Johnston, C., Campbell-Yeo, M., Filion, F. & Rich, B. Therapeutic Touch for the Management of Procedural Pain in Preterm Neonates less than 28 Weeks Gestational Age /CAM 06-315 Johnston. Sick Kids Foundation CAM Operating Grant/CNF Partnership program $121,759.


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