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Invited Presentations
Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo: What’s the power of a parent’s touch?
This Petcha Kucha style presentation was part of the 2nd Annual Research and Innovation in Health Care Forum held on October 26, 2015 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.



Campbell-Yeo, M. More than just a poke! Assessment and management of neonatal pain. NICU Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar. Sept 13, 2019.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Research and Innovation: Propelling Neonatal Nursing into the Future. NICU Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar. Sept 13, 2019.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Bridging Gaps in Perinatal Care. Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney, Australia. April 5-8, 2020.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Management of Neonatal Pain in the NICU: evidence and mobilization. Neonatal Care Today. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. June 5, 2019.


Campbell-Yeo, M. & Carbajal, R.  Pain in the NICU. World Congress on Maternal Fetal Neonatal Medicine. London, England. April 4-6, 2019.

Plenary. Maritech 2018 Conference. Halifax, NS. November 2, 2018.


International Congress of Neurodocrinology (ICN2018). Toronto, Ontario, July 15-18th, 2018.


Implementation of Integrative Medical Interventions for Treatment and Prevention of Procedural Pain in Infants and Neonates.11th Annual Pediatric Pain Master Class, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USA, June 13, 2018.


Parents as Partners in Neonatal Pain Care: Evidence and Implementation. Neonatal Symposium, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 17, 2018.


Technology in the NICU: What parents want and care providers should know. Children’s Hospital of Westmead, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. April 10, 2018.


The power of mums to reduce neonatal pain. John Hunter Children’s Hospital, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. April 9, 2018.


Technology in the NICU: What do parents want. Neonatology in the Vines Conference, Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia. April 6, 2018.


Optimizing mother-led interventions to reduce newborn pain. Visiting Scholar. Royal Alfred Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, April 5, 2018.


Developing a new virtual platform targeted at enhancing parental presence and active involvement in care in the NICU. 2018 EPIQ Training Workshop/Conference/CNN+ Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, February 12, 2018.


NeuroNICU Training Course, The One Conference. San Diego, California, February 4-6th, 2018. 


Partnering with parents to improve neonatal pain care. Joint European Neonatal Society (jENS) Conference, Venice, October 31st-Nov. 4th, 2017.


Reducing needle related pain in newborns - Moms Matter. Newborn Symposium, Horizon Health Network. St. John, November 16-18th, 2017.


Addressing the rising epidemic of maternal prescription opioid use and associated neonatal consequences of neonatal abstinence syndrome - it's a family matter. Newborn Symposium, Horizon Health Network. St. John, November 16-18th, 2017.


Improving newborn pain care through active parent participation – Evidence and Implementation. Australian Council of Neonatal Nurses, Queensland, Australia, October 18-21st, 2017.​


Partnering with parents to improve newborn care – evidence and implementation. Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women’s Health Nurse (CAPWHN) Conference, Halifax, NS, October 12th, 2017


Implementation of novel Interventions for treatment and prevention of procedural in Infants & neonates. 10th Annual Pediatric Pain Master Class, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, June 14, 2017.


Is it time to replace sweet solutions with sweet parents?  Parental led interventions as the standard of care for procedural pain management in infants. Canadian Pain Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 23-26, 2017.


Physiology and assessment of neonatal pain. Neonatla,/Perinatal Conference, NationWide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, May 18-19th, 2017.


Campbell-Yeo, M. More Improving neurodevelopment through the reduction of pain and stress in the NICU. NeuroNICU Training Course, Ontario, California, Feb. 7-9th, 2017. 


Campbell-Yeo, M. Visiting Scholar -Orebro University, Building a national pain consortium. Orebro, Sweden, Sweden November 26-Dec.3rd, 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Visiting Scholar -Orebro University. Where are we at with neonatal pain care-an evidence update, Orebro, Sweden, Sweden November 26-Dec.3rd, 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M.  Neonatal Procedural Pain Relief – An Evidence Update. Open Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School. Boston, USA. November 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Partnering with Parents to Improve Newborn Pain Care – Evidence and Implementation. Visiting Scholar/ Grand Rounds, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Boston, USA. November 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M.  Integrating Parents in Newborn Pain Care – Evidence and Implementation. Webinar, Dandlelion Medical, USA. November 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Reducing Newborn Pain Locally and Globally – Evidence and Implementation. International Society of Paediatrics Conference, Vancouver BC. August 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Maternally-Led Interventions to Reduce Pain in Newborns – Evidence and Implementation. Council of International Council of Neonatal Nurses, Vancouver BC. August 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Franck, L., Harrison, D., Stevens, B. Mission Impossible – Putting Neonatal Pain Knowledge into Action. Council of International Council of Neonatal Nurses, Vancouver BC. August 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Implementation of Integrative Medical Interventions for Treatment and Prevention of Procedural Pain in Infants & Neonates. 9th Annual Pediatric Pain Master Class, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, June 14, 2016.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Newborn Pain Prevention. Skin-To-Skin Contact Workshop: Understanding Your Role. IWK Health Centre, Halifax, NS, December, 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M. It Doesn’t have to Hurt: Mother’s Role in Reducing Pain in Neonates During Medical Procedures. Dartmouth Hitchcock Conference, Lebanon, NH. November 5, 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M. The Power of Human Touch for Babies: A Review of the Science & Implications for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Dartmouth Hitchcock Conference, Lebanon, NH. November 5, 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M. What’s the power of a parent’s touch? 2nd annual Innovation in Health Care Forum. Halifax, NS. October 21, 2015. Retrieved from


Chambers, C.T. & Campbell-Yeo, M. Social Media in Research. Invited speaker at the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit (MSSU), Halifax, NS. September 22, 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M. It doesn’t have to hurt – The power of touch and infant cuddling programs. Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres. National webinar, Aug 26, 2015. Retrieved from


Campbell-Yeo, M. Research and Innovations in Clinical Practice. Symposium moderator. 18th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC, May 20, 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M., & Little, G. A. Shared decision-making: Practical strategies for the bedside clinician. 18th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Workshop presentation, Washington, DC, May 29, 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M. When words can’t help… Assessment and management of procedural pain in infants: Current evidence and changing trends. NSIG Education Day, Canadian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Charlottetown, PEI, May 20, 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Mechanisms, Outcomes and Mobilization of maternally-led interventions in newborn procedural pain care. Canadian Pain Society Early Career Plenary, Charlottetown, PEI, May 21, 2015.


Berkelhamer, S., Bose, C., Bucher, S., Campbell-Yeo, M., McMillan, D., Neirmeyer, S., Singhal, N. Essential care for small babies (ECSB) improves knowledge, performance, and confidence in caring for small babies. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, Calif, USA. April 2015.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Physiologic indicators of pain in neonates and infants. Newborn and Infant Pain Measurement Consensus Meeting, Toronto, ON, Nov 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Huber, M., Morrison, J., & Bardouille, T. Nuggets of Wisdom for Success at the SRC and REB Table. Expert Panel, IWK Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Halifax, NS, Nov 20, 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Building a Research Network: The Pain in Chlid Health (PICH) Strategic Training Institute. Neonatal Pain Researchers Workshop, Orebro University, Orebro, Sweden. Nov 5, 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Skin-to-Skin Care for Pain Management. Neonatal Pain Day, Orebro University, Orebro, Sweden. Nov 4, 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M. It takes a village – evidence and mobilization of optimal neonatal pain care. CNSA Atlantic Regional Conference, October 24, 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Treating Pain in Children: Current Practice, Recent Advances and Current Debates. Refresher Course. International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) 15th World Congress on Pain, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 6-11, 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Mama knows best- Mothers as active participants in newborn pain relief. Academic Clinical Grand Rounds. Department of Pediatrics, IWK Health Centre, September 2014.  


Campbell-Yeo, M. Relieving Procedural Pain in Newborns - Current Evidence, Challenges and Future Directions. Canadian Center for Vaccinology, Halifax, NS, June 13, 2014.


Hall, R., Campbell-Yeo, M., (Co chairs), Anand, K.S., Lagercrants, H., Miller, S., & Tibboel, D.  Neonatal and Perinatal Pain: Lost in Translation. Topic Symposia, Pediatric Academic Societies' & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, Vancouver, May 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Research and Innovations in Clinical Practice. Symposium moderator. 17th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC, May 30, 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Evolving evidence for care in Mother’s Arms- Does this apply to infants with NAS?  iNICQ 2014: Structuring Success in the Care of Infants and Families Affected by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Vermont Oxford Collaborative. April 2014.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Deorari A, McMillan D, Scotland J, Singhal N, Aylward D, Kumar P, Vatsa M, Joshi M, Geetanjli. Identification of barriers and facilitators for education of nurses in India. Update in Neonatology. Hyderabad, India. December 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Neonatal Pain: Prevalence, Consequences and Management. Keynote. Atlantic Pain Conference. Fredericton, New Brunswick, September 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M., & Harrison, D. Managing Pain in Newborns. Workshop. International Council of Neonatal Nurses, Belfast, Ireland, September 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M. & Slater, R. Balancing Shifts in the Pain Paradigm: The Pitfalls and Perils of Common Assessments and Treatments. Advanced Neonatal Nurses Forum, Washington, DC. June 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Research and Innovations in Clinical Practice. Symposium moderator. 16th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC, May 30, 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Non-pharmacologic pain management in neonates: Evidence and Implementation.  2013 Annual Neonatal conference at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. May 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Kangaroo Mother Care for pain relief. A systematic review of current evidence.   2013 Annual Neonatal conference at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. May 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Sugar, moms and all things nice. What’s new in procedural pain relief in neonates. Webinar- Alberta Health Services, April 2013.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Mothers as analgesia. The pain relieving benefits of skin-to-skin contact. Pregnancy and Birth Current Clinical Issues, Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario. December 2012.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Relieving pain associated with routine procedures in newborns. March of Dimes, USA Family Support Webinar, Nov. 2012.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Sugar, moms and all things nice. Atlantic Association of Clinical Laboratory Manager Conference, Halifax NS June 2012.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Forgeron, P., Huguet, A., Tupper, S., & Ranger, M. Pain Warriors- Lessons learned from interdisciplinary involvement in a strategic training program. Pain in Child Health Institute, Whistler BC. June 2012.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Research and Innovations in Clinical Practice Symposium moderator. 15th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC, May 30, 2012.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Relieving pain and stress in the NICU- building a program of research. Forum on reproductive and child health research and IHDCYH strategic planning consultation. April 2012.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Day, R., Watt-Watson, J., Schofield, P., & Reid, K. Advanced Practice Nursing Roles in Pain Management. Canadian and UK perspective. Workshop-Joint Scientific Meeting of The British Pain Society & The Canadian Pain Society. Edinburgh, Scotland- June 2011.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Research and Innovations in Clinical Practice Symposium moderator. 14th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC, May 30, 2011.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Challenges in intervention trials and innovative research methods. IWK Interdisciplinary Research Conference Halifax, Nova Scotia. November, 2010.


Campbell-Yeo, M. SSC for procedural pain in newborns - a review of the literature. World breastfeeding Week, Halifax, NS, October 2010.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Research and Innovations in Clinical Practice Symposium moderator. 13th Annual Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC, May 30, 2010.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Johnston, C.C., & Frank, L. PARENTCARE: Parental comfort, analgesia, regulation, and endorphins for procedural care in the NICU. 8th International Symposium of Pediatric Pain, Acapulco, Mexico, March 2010.

Campbell-Yeo, M. & Rich, B. Therapeutic Touch for Procedural Pain in Preterm Neonates. Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurse National Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. February 2010.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Role of Analgesia and Paralysis for ventilated newborns. Scientific Basis of Assisted Newborn Ventilation Symposium. Halifax, October 22-23, 2009.


Campbell-Yeo, M. The Ties that Bind: Maternal Analgesia for Newborns. National Breastfeeding Awareness Week. IWK Health Centre Public Forum. October 5, 2009.


Campbell-Yeo, M. & Inglis, D. Hot Topics: Developmental care in the NICU- do we really have an option. The 29th annual Women's and Newborn Health Conference - Health and Well Being: Achieving Balance in Life and Workplace. Halifax, NS. March 6-7, 2008. 


Hayward, K., Johnston, C., Campbell-Yeo, M., Price, S., Whyte, R., Morrison, D., Cake, H,. Vine, J., Houk, S., & Walker, D. Building an “A” team to ensure research success. IWK Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. November, 2007.


Campbell-Yeo, M.  Emergence of the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner role. Plenary. 6th International Neonatal Nurses Conference. New Delhi, India. September 2007.


Campbell-Yeo, M.  & Hayward, K. How pilot study findings guided improvements in planning a larger multi-center trial. IWK Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. November, 2006.


Campbell-Yeo, M., Allen, A.C., Joseph, K.S., Ledwidge, J., Allen, V.M., & Dooley, K. Securing Funds “A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial Examining the Effect of Domperidone on the Composition of Human Breast Milk. “Demystifying the Research Process: Practical Advice for Health Professionals” IWK Interdisciplinary Research Conference 2004. Halifax, Nova Scotia. November, 2004.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Paving the Way for Advance Practice: From Vision to Reality. National Conference for Advanced Practice Nurses. Panel member. London, Ontario. October 2003.


Campbell-Yeo, M. Is all perinatal loss created equal? Plenary. AWHONN 2002, Boston, USA. June 2002.






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