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Dr Marsha Campbell-Yeo
Kim Caddell RN BN

Kim Caddell RN BN

MOM-LINC Lab Manager / Research Coordinator


With over 30 years working in NICUs, Kim has extensive experience with premature infants and their families. As a research coordinator, she has participated in numerous single and multi-site trials on infant studies looking at non-pharmacological comfort measures for pain in infants, co-bedding twins, appropriate sucrose dosing, validation of pain scores, non-conventional comfort measures (such as Therapeutic Touch), and maternal studies including the use of skin-to-skin/kangaroo care (KC) and galactagogues, such as Domperidone.


Kim has been a mentor for nurses working in the NICU and members of research teams working within the IWK. Kim was part of the team that produced the original NICU Parent handbook, which was specific to the IWK. Her committee work includes Workload Measurement Systems, Pain Strategies, Developmental Care, Key Trainer for IT Systems, and NICU Research Orientation.


Kim has a passion for research and loves to share it through workshops, such as teaching lab and NICU staff proper positioning for bloodwork collections using KC and individualized teaching with parents at the bedside. She is an invaluable member of the MOM LINC team.



Current Research:​


  • Chez NICU Home

  • Trial of Repeated Analgesia with Kangaroo Mother Care (TRAKC)

  • Sucrose Practices for Pain in Neonates: A Program of Research (SPiN)





Effect of Cobedding Twins on Coregulation Infant State and Twin Safety

Hayward, K., Johnston, C. Campbell-Yeo, M., Price, S., Houk, S., Whyte, R ., White, S., & Caddell, K. (2015). Effect of Cobedding Twins on Coregulation, Infant State, and Twin Safety. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecological and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN), 44(2), 193-202. doi: 10.1111/1552-6909.12557


Validation of the Premature Infant Pain Profile- revised (PIPP-R)

Gibbins, S., Stevens, B.J., Yamada, J., Dionne, K., Campbell-Yeo, M., Lee, G., Caddell, K., Johnston, C., Taddio, A. (2014). Validation of the Premature Infant Pain Profile-Revised (PIPP-R). Early Human Development, 90(4),189-93. pii: S0378-3782(14)00014-0. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2014.01.005. 


Trial Of Repeated Analgesia with Kangaroo Mother Care (TRAKC)

Campbell-Yeo M., Johnston C., Benoit B., Latimer M., Vincer M., Walker C.D., Streiner, D., Inglis D., Caddel, K. (2013) Trial of Repeated Analgesia with Kangaroo Mother Care. BMC Pediatrics, 13,182. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-13-182


Effect of Domperidone on the composition of preterm human breast milk.

Campbell-Yeo, M., Joseph, K.S., Allen, A.C., Ledwidge, J., Caddell, K., Allen, V.M., & Dooley, K. (2010). Effect of Domperidone on the Composition of Preterm Human Breast Milk: Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial [NCT00308334]. Pediatrics, 6, e107-114.


Staff Nurse Adoption of Kangaroo Mother Care as an Intervention for Management of Procedural Pain in Preterm Infants: Preliminary Findings

Benoit, B., Campbell-Yeo, M., Johnston, C., Latimer, M., Caddell, K. & Orr, T. (2014, May). Staff nurse adoption of kangaroo mother care as an intervention for management of procedural pain in preterm infants. Oral brief presentation delivered at the Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC; Poster presented at the Canadian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Quebec City, QC


Smartphone and Internet Patterns of Parents  in the NICU

Orr, T., Campbell-Yeo, M., Stinson, J., McGrath, P., Hewitt, B., Caddell, K., Benoit, B. (2014, May). Smartphone and Internet Patterns of Parents in the NICU. Poster presented at the Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC. oral presentation at Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference. Halifax, NS.


Therapeutic Touch does not alleviate procedural pain in very preterm neonates.

Johnston, CC., Campbell-Yeo, M., Filion, F., Rich, B., Whitley, J., Caddell, K., Matheson, A, Cogan, J., Nuyt, AM. (2010, August). Therapeutic touch does not alleviate procedural pain in very preterm neonates. Poster presented at the 13th International Association for the study of pain, Montreal, QC.   


Meeting Parent Information Needs in the NICU

Orr, T., Benoit, B., Campbell-Yeo, M., Stinson, J., McGrath, P., Hewitt, B., Caddell, K. (2014, May). Meeting parent information needs in the NICU: An analysis of parent preference for smartphone and internet applications. Podium presentation delivered at the Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing Forum, Washington, DC


Maternal Touch and Talk for Critically Ill Infants and Toddlers Undergoing Painful Procedures in the PICU

Johnston, C.C., Filion, F., Tucci, M., Finley, A., Rennick, J. Campbell-Yeo, M. Caddell, K. (2008, May). Maternal Touch and Talk for critically ill infants and toddlers undergoing painful procedures in the PICU.  Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.  



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