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Active Research Studies




Even the healthiest infants undergo painful procedures as part of universal medical care. Oral sucrose is currently considered the standard of care for acute pain relief in infants. However, data examining the influence of oral sucrose on pain-specific brain activity questions the efficacy of this intervention for reducing pain in the infant brain. Evidence supports the effectiveness of breastfeeding as a pain relieving intervention, however, no studies to date have examined the effect of breastfeeding on pain-specific brain activity in newborns.  


The primary aim of this study is to examine the influence of breastfeeding in comparison to oral sucrose on pain-specific newborn brain activity, measured using electroencephalogram (EEG), during a heel lance. In light of the negative consequences of unmanaged pain in infants, it is imperative that effective pain relieving interventions are utilized. Given recent evidence questioning the analgesic properties of sucrose, findings will have important implications for informing optimal pain management practices in infants.



For more information contact Britney Benoit.



Influence of Breastfeeding on Cortical Activity during Procedures (iCAP) 

Funding:  IWK Health Centre Category A Operating Grant, Nursing Research & Development Fund Operating Grant, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University 

©2019 by MOM-LINC Lab

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